Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Still trippin'

I had to laugh at that title - quite a statement for someone in sobriety! Ha ha! But, I can't really think of any other way to describe it. Barbara and I have been continuing to talk and text, and it really seems as though the connection just keeps getting stronger, at least as far as the synchronicity, timing, communication, and flirting goes. At first, it seemed like she really wanted to take a big step back after Saturday, and wanted to put the brakes on everything - and HARD. So I tried my best to just keep things light, and joke around a bit.

I was doubtful of my approach at first, as she sometimes comes off as being very serious, and I was worried I might end up totally annoying her. But over the last 2 days, it seems like she has really warmed up to me. And if I didn't know any better, and if I wasn't still so humbled by it all, I would think that she is starting to really fall for me. She made some little comments yesterday that actually bordered on outright flirting again, and she made it pretty clear that she is really looking forward to seeing me tonight. So yeah - I'm still trippin'!

We talked last night before bed, and we talked about some number stuff she had brought up through some texts yesterday - something about her being drawn to the number 212, or 1212, and wondering what I thought about it. I told her I wasn't really sure, that I thought I lived in a unit #212 at maryland court apts, but that was about it. I proceeded to tell her my "number story" about how my favorite numbers were always 3 and 24 when I was a kid, and how by complete accident, my sobriety date ended up being 03/24/03. She then got out a book she has on numbers, written by a woman who is into angels, and she read the descriptions for 3, 24, 11, 12, and 212. The number 3 one TOTALLY tripped me out, because it actually mentioned Kwan Yin in it, by name! I told her that I thought she had just thrown that in there to trip me out! Lol! It's really fun getting back into this stuff - ESPECIALLY with a beautiful woman.

Just a bit ago, I sent her some stuff I found about unicorns and their symbolic and spiritual meanings. She brought that up again last night - about here being a unicorn. I think she really took that to heart, and likes that I referred to her as that. When I said it, I wasn't quite sure it fit, or she would find it complimentary. But it seems like she does, and it had the desired effect and meaning, as she picked up on the unique, rare, priceless, and magical essences I had meant it to mean. Again, it seems like we really connect on all levels. Who else would have taken it so perfectly? I sure don't know.

We are meeting tonight at Unlimited Coffee, and I can't wait to see her again. I just know I am going to fall even harder by seeing her again, but I am just going to approach it with a "go with it" type attitude, and let the spirit guide me. And by that, I mean the spirit of love. I was thinking last night that if there is such thing as "love at first sight," I think I either experienced it, or something very close, with Barbara. And I have only grown more attracted to her as we have gotten to know each other better. I asked her via text one day if she found me physically attractive, and she said she did - she mentioned that I looked like I was in good shape, and that she liked to stay in good shape too, that it would be fun to do stuff like hike together. Dude, I would hike to Mt Everest, all the way to the top, and carry her back down for this woman! Ha ha!

Sounds like I am in BIG trouble, hunh? Lord I sure hope so! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

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