Thursday, August 19, 2010


I got a FB message from my cousin Carol yesterday asking me if I was still doing my "numbsung" blog. Apparently, a friend of hers in Guam was asking about it because he/she thought it was very funny, and wanted to read it again. Then, I got another message from her last night telling me that another friend of hers in Vegas had said the same thing - that the blog was hilarious, and that they wanted to read it again. I was a little taken aback by the complimentary nature of the emails, as well as a little mournful, because I completely dusted that blog and all the entries on it when I got really down last year. I thought that I could "bet back" at all the happy people who were reading that blog and enjoying laughing at my misfortunes by destroying it. In the end of course, I ended up hurting myself it seems, as my dream to be a published writer - or at least a popular, well-known one - went done in a rain of 0's.

Now I find myself sitting here wondering if I can resurrect that funny writer; wondering if it is something I can tap into again; wondering if, like so many of my seeming 'talents' in these areas, it was merely a fleeting glimpse. Of course now that I have some actual demand, I suppose I would be crazy to not at least give it a try. It would feel good to know that I am bringing some laughter into some people's lives. And it would be a nice place to practice my sarcasm and wit. Give the people what they want, right?

So I think I am going to see if I can bring it back from the ashes - this time, not for my glory or popularity, but for the mere joy of making others laugh. I realize now that it's not about me and my selfish desire. If I truly have a gift, then I need to give it away. And if that gift is making people laugh, I can think of none better. So now I am off to rebuild that which was torn down and resurrect he who was dead - long live the Numbsung Hero!

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