Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Brings me back

I am sitting here in my cube listening to "Chloe/Crown of Thorns" by Mother Love Bone, and it transported me right back to South Dakota, the fall of 1992. I had enrolled at South Dakota School of Mines and Technology in geology. I was living in the basement at Irene's house, and had a couple of guys I hung out with all the time named Larry (aka Eyeball) and Chris (aka Sunshine) - we all had nicknames... mine was Easy. Lol. I was going out to the bars with Carol on the weekends and dancing, drinking, partying; going to the neighborhood coffeeshop with Larry and Chris, reading poetry and going out in the woods getting high.

I would have to say it was one of the more memorable, and all around enjoyable times in my life. Even though I was smoking ganj regularly, I never did any speed the whole time I was up there. I actually scored twice while I was up there, and could have one other time, but it got a little weird with the girl I was with (Keri). One of the scores was with a 42 year old lady who was an aerobics intstructor - I still brag about that one occasionally! Ha ha! She was married though, and that I am not proud of. But, as Doug says, back then I was 'young, dumb, and full of cum'! Lol.

I think that is one of the periods in my life that I will always be the most nostalgic about. I truly was the trippy, mystic, college attending poet, and lived - really lived life to it's fullest. I rode a motorcycle side by side with Desi during that period for the first time ever. I helped start a poetry reading group and was seen as a good poet among my peers. I hiked frequently and communed with nature - even had my favorite little spot to go (Silver Creek Mountain). I partied with Carol - laughed, drank, smoked the ganj. I did great in college, and had some good buds there too, a cool little study group. I went to some college parties. It was definitely a period I will always look back on fondly.

And there are songs that take me back to that time instantly : the aforementioned Mother Love Bone tune; "Love is on the Way" by Saigon Kick"; "Dirt" by Alice in Chains; whatever that song was by Chapterhouse. There are probably others too, but those are the ones that come to mind. It's funny how music can do that. I wonder - will I someday look back on this period of my life with such nostalgia when I hear songs like "Lisztomania" by Phoenx, "Out of Control" by She Wants Revenge, ""Light" by Matisyahu. Will there be that sense of nostalgia? I'm not so sure. It's tough to compete with such a period as the one back in '92. But there is no competition - there is only reminiscing, and gratitude for all the great memories - gratitude for remembering.

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