Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend, Michelle, and other happenings...

This weekend we - Tess, Galen and I - went up to Dogtown Lake and went camping with Marsh and Kristina, Mike and Teri, and about 4 or 5 families they know. It was fun, although I felt a little awkward, as the families they camped with were not overly friendly or welcoming - at least not as I saw it. Galen got sick the first night we were up there, and ran a 104ยบ temperature. We gave him some ibuprofen, but it was still pretty high Saturday morning, so I ran him into Williams to the urgent care center. They prescribed him some amoxicillin, but the poor kid basically spent the whole weekend sleeping on a bed in Mike and Teri's trailer.

I kinda' started to bad trip on the situation Saturday night, and popped off a little bit on Marshal and Kristina, telling them how I felt out of place, like we were 'encroaching' on those other families, and that I was considering leaving Saturday night. I basically ended up just staying in the tent all night and sleeping/meditating. I actually had a pretty powerful meditation in which I realized that there was something to be learned from all this, that I wanted to make a concerted effort to be extremely welcoming and friendly to people I did not know in future situations. I woke up in a much better mood Sunday morning, and promply apologized to M & K. Ironically enough, I sat down next to some of the people from the other families, and they actually said hi and visited with me. Go figure!

While Galen was sick, Tessi had a great time. She got a chance to do a lot of driving on the Rhino and she got quite a kick out of that. She put 6 miles on Saturday and really did a great job. I think she is going to make a pretty good driver when she gets to be that age.

I think the biggest news of the weekend for me however was getting a text from Michelle - the one that I felt so bad about screwing things up with. She basically was just saying "hi" and that she was going to be on a temporary cell for a couple of weeks and wanted me to have the number. I was a little surprised, as she was going out with someone else, and basically told her that in a text. Then, in a rather shocking turn of events, she texted back, saying that "the relationship had fizzled a bit" and that my emails had "rocked her world a bit." Well I was of course elated, and tried frantically all weekend to get more info from her. But, for whatever reason, she has been completely out of communication since that text Friday night.

So now I am sitting here on pins and needles wondering what exactly is going on, if there is another chance for me, and what is going on with her - why she has been unreachable for the last 3 days, and why her FB profile is gone (I searched for it too, but it looks like it is gone.) I am thinking that maybe she is on vacation or something. But part of me is wondering if she wasn't being stalked by someone like Ryan or something...? I mean, it just seems weird that she wouldn't check her email or cell phone at all, even if she was on vacation.

I have thought long and hard about it, and I really would like another chance with her. She has baggage, yes. But then again, don't we all? She has so much other stuff going for her - some of that stuff physical, things that I have some issues with : no hair on her face, pale skinned, nice chest, well manicured, pretty feet. I mean, there are a lot of things that I have issues with when it comes to dating someone, and she truly has all the right things in all the right places for my taste.

And mentally, spiritually and emotionally speaking, she is beautiful. She is very in touch with her emotions and has no trouble expressing them. She is very generous about communications, and I never feel "ripped off" after sending her an email, because I always get wieghty one back. I can only hope that all is well with her and that I will hear from her soon.

I guess it is worth noting that I am not going to pursue anything with the other "Michele." We were supposed to meet yesterday, but she texted me early in the morning saying she was going golfing, that she would take a raincheck, and that I could "get my laundry done," a reference to a comment I made the night before about not having an open window of time, as I had laundry to do. It is probably for the best, as there were some things that were not too attractive to me with her, not the least of which was her frequent use of f-bombs and other curse words. Also, the way she talked so badly about people. Neither of those are characteristics that I want in someone I date. On top of it all, she seemed very cold - was not fun to flirt with at all.

So I guess now I wait and see what happens with my good Michelle. God willing, and having mercy on me, I will hear from her soon! Lol : )

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