Thursday, June 3, 2010

The "Michelle" syndrome...

Ok, so first there was the Michelle I wrote about in the last post, the one that I saw twice and shared an awesome kiss with. Then there was the Michele that I was corresponding with over the last week or so who used more f-bombs than a drunken sailor and had all the passion of a footstool (sorry, that seems harsh, but she really was lacking any 'verve'). So that's 2 Michelles, pretty much in a row (with a brief Ty interlude).

So a couple of days ago I make contact with a new woman on pof - a woman named Shelli. We start emailing back and forth, and before long, she reveals that her real name is - wait for it... wait for it.... YES! Michelle! Now I am no statistician, but it seems to me that the odds of dating three completely different women, all in a row basically, who all have the same first name are very, very low. I am starting to think that should be one on my filter parameters, or perhaps one of my "must haves" - why fight it, right?

This newest Michelle - Shelli - seems pretty neat. She definitely has a sense of humor and some real personality. We talked on the phone for the first time last night and it went really well - very easy and fun to talk to. We are set to meet on Sunday at Tempe Marketplace, so we'll see if there is any chemistry there. My only concern at this point - and it's a pretty goofy one, especially considering the fact that I don't believe in astrology all that strongly - is that I am a Taurus and she is an Aquarius. And all of the stuff I have found so far on the compatibility of the 2 signs say that it is a very difficult match, and that there is very little chance of things working out.... NOW, all of them did say that the sexual chemistry between these 2 signs is pretty fantastic, and one even said that it is so good that it can even override some of the other diffculties! Yyyyeaaahhhhh... So you just KNOW that I am going to ride this one out (total punuendo intended) to at least check that out! (hopefully)

What else is going on... well, I found out how to make some adjustments to my bike on this cool site I found and joined, They have an awesome forum, and I found some info about adjusting the rear break lever (which seemed to be WAY too high on my bike) as well as the shift lever (which seemed to be way too low for me). So I made adjustments to both of them, and it is so much nicer - and safer - to ride now! Turns out the rear brake lever was completely out of whack and wasn't even resting on the adjustment screw at all - that's why it was so high.

Everything else is going well. Galen is feeling better, Tess is doing well, and I am pretty darned peachy myself. I have made contact with a number of different woman on pof and am enjoying "playing the field" a bit. On a side note, I have heard nothing - no email, no text, no nothing - from Michelle since last Friday. I am wondering if she isn't on vacation, maybe out of country or something. I hope she is ok. Hopefully she will contact me soon.

One last item of note - I have been sticking faithfully to my morning meditation time, about 10 minutes every morning, and really enjoying it. I think I am more calm, centered and serene when incorporating it into my morning. So I am going to keep it up. Think that's all for now - the adventure continues....

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