Friday, June 25, 2010

Busy week, big day tomorrow

Wow, I guess I have actually been pretty busy at work this week! Considering the fact that my only post this week was on Monday. That's a good thing though. I have been really challenged with some JavaScript stuff in the project I am working on (Better Together 2010) and it has been very rewarding, as one of my work-related goals has been able to increase my proficiency in JavaScript. I just had a bit of a breakthrough, so I thought I would take a moment to "celebrate" by catching up here a little bit. Turns out I was making something MUCH more complicated than it really was (imagine that! Ha ha!)- accessing the value of a control sent to a JavaScript method. All I had to do was 'control.value', but instead I was trying all kinds of whacky stuff. D'oh!

So tomorrow is the big date with Wendy. I say big not so much because I have big expectations, but because I have big expectations! Lol. JK. Actually, I say big because I have really been looking forward to it, and we have a nice day planned - going to a photography exhibit at the art museum, which I have never been to, and then to a nice lunch at some place Jamie suggested called Maizie's. So, even if the date is a bomb, which I seriously doubt, it should be fun just going to some new places. And based on the conversation we had last Saturday, I am thinking that at the least, we should have some more great convo.

I have to mention here that I was really surprised and excited yesterday to have gotten 3 emails from Wendy! Granted, they were all pretty short, the mere fact that she sent three is pretty cool. She is definitely not a big electronic communicator, and that's very interesting, for the simple fact that that was one of the biggest things I needed to work on - my expectations regarding communication with someone I am getting to know, dating, or in a relationship with. Havign had the realizations I have had over the past month or so, I have not let my mind and it's silly thoughts about it get the best of me, and instead, I have been ok - truly ok - with the level of communication between us. And you know what? It has felt really good to be ok with it. Sure, there have been a few times when my mind starting thinking those old, lack-based thoughts. But I was able to avoid acting on them, and instead find patience and peace. What a blessing!

And I am very, very grateful, because something inside me says this woman (am I really going to say this? I guess I am!) could be 'the one.' I hesitate to say that, because I don't want to get all obsessed and emotionally tied to her right off the bat. And incredibly enough, even though something inside is telling me that, I am able to maintain a healthy "whatever will be will be, and I am ok" attitude about it all; if things work out, great; if things don't work out, great. And instead of just paying myself lip service and saying that to myself but not really believing and accepting it deep inside, I really am this time. Sure, it would be nice if some type of little relationship developed. But if it doesn't, I am ok.

For the first time in a long time, I am very confident about myself and my ability to attract a woman. I look good - my body looks REALLY good.I am in great shape, and as a result, I have more confidence in my physical appearance. As a result of that, I radiate a more confident, less desperate aura about me, and I'm sure that is much more attractive to women. And I am bettering myself in so many ways : eating healthier, working out, meditating more, practicing more self-appraisal and actually acting on those things I find that need some healing.

So yeah, tomorrow is a big day. But then, every day is a big day, right? It's just a matter of taking in each day as it is, for what is, and making mthe most of the lessons and opportunities that present themselves - opportunities to love, learn, grow, heal, help and experience. Yeah, I like the sound of that... Life is good!

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