Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Yuck - the "fun" continues

Last night was a pretty bad night. I wasn't feeling well at all, and all I really wanted to do was lay down and relax. Galen and Tessi walked across the street to Walgreens, and when they came back, I asked Tessi if she had any homework. She said she didn't, and I told her that if it ended up that she really did but just wasn't doing it, I would not help her come Thursday night. To which she said, "you didn't help me last time anyway," or something to that effect. And at that very moment, I lost it. I have helped her with her homework every week this year, and she knew it. Why she said that, I don't know, but I had a feeling that it might have had something to do with haging out with her brother and picking up some of his "wonderful" attitude.

I tried to contain myself, but just couldn't. I ended up throwing one of our glass bowls against the sink and shattering it. I proceeded to yell at Tessi, telling her that I always helped her, and I couldn't believe she said that, then went on a basic tirade towards both of them, stating that I couldn't believe not only how unappreciative they were, but how it seemed like both of them - as well as their mom - had some alternate view of reality, and that perhaps I was truly insane, because it seemed like the things I thought happened didn't, and things I didn't think happen truly did.

Long story short(er), Galen ended up leaving for awhile, calling his mom and telling her that I was flipping out, Tessi stayed home, cried a bit, I settled down quickly after Galen left, I apologized to Tessi and told her that most of my anger was directed at Galen, but that it hurt to think that neither of them remembers any of the nice things I do for them, Sam (my ex) called Tessi and told her that her mom was on the way over to get her because Galen told her (his mom) that Tessi wasn't safe with me, Tessi called her mom and said that wasn't true and that no one needed to come over, Tessi went over to a friend's house to stay the night (some really nice people that have kind of adopted Tessi into her family), I went to bed, and then about 9:30pm Galen came back in and said he had nowhere else to go so he came home. I didn't say much, just gave him his new medication and went to bed.

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