Friday, July 2, 2010

Love it when that happens!

So I was just going through some of my old emails to/from Tina in my gmail, kind of reminiscing a bit (and to be totally honest, seeing if I still had any naughty pics - I took some nice ones, and she had such great hooters! LOL!). Turns out the only emails I saved are all post-breakup - oh well. Anyway, while I am reading about her marrying Andrew, being pregnant, etc, I start feeling a little lonely, thinking about how I got some messages from some ladies on POF and sent them replies, and still haven't gotten anything back. The seemingly typical MO for this online dating thing... and at that moment, BING, I see a new email pop into my inbox, a notification that I have a message from someone from POF - yaaayyyy!

Well, not really - turns out it's from this lady who said she was ready to meetup, so I proposed we meet tomorrow. The message was her saying that she made plans for tomorrow before reading my message. Yyyyyeaaahhhhh... why am I not even surprised??? It seems like pulling teeth sometimes to get this seemingly simple stuff to workout. Oh well. I have been doing a good job of just letting this stuff slide, and I need to keep that up. I know enough about the whole online dating thing to know this is just how it is, and that it is in no way a personal reflection on me. How could it be? These people don't even know me! Lol.

I guess I just get tired of meeting people with whom there seems to be no chemistry. Of course, I am sure they feel the same way. Then, when there does seem to be some, like with Wendy (kinda') and Michelle (definitely) there is something else that goes awry. I am sitting here thinking, was it this much of a numbers game before there was online dating? It seems to me like it wasn't. But then again, the dynamics were entirely different, at least with people like me who aren't by nature big risk takers, and wouldn't ask just anyone out.

Back in 'the day', the women I would ask out were typically women that I had gotten to know over a period of time, so it was pretty obvious if there was any kind of connection already. And there was always the, "hey - see if you can find out if she likes me or not, but don't let her know I want to know, ok?" ploy that worked so well! Ha ha! It meant that there weren't a lot of the kind of meetings that happen now, where you are basically meeting someone for the very first time, knowing that the reason you are meeting is to maybe find a match, someone to date. So yeah, that makes a lot of sense that it would be very different now - much more of a numbers game.

But, what I need to remember is that, even though I get sick of that game sometimes, I need to be grateful too. Because at this point, I am not meeting a lot of women anywhere else in my life - not at meetings, not at work, not at bowling, not anywhere. So if it wasn't for the online thing, it would be much harder for me to meet any women. I need to remember that when I start getting frustrated - that it's a good thing - it really is.

Well, that's all I have to say about that. It's Friday before a 3 day weekend, and we get to leave early today - yippeeeeee!!!

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