Thursday, July 15, 2010

First "real" date

I read my title from my last post and it made me laugh. I am definitely still digging Pattie, and in fact, moreso every day. She is a total sweetheart, and very flirtatious/romantic, which I am a TOTAL sucker for, being the romantic that I am. I was thinking to myself this morning that as much as I have promised myself I wouldn't, and as badly as it has turned out in the past, I feel that I am really wanting to jump head first into something serious with this girl. In fact, I was thinking of basically telling her that tonight.

That is, of course, if I can bring myself to break my own rules, and go against everything I have driving into my own head for the last year or 2! Ha ha! It's just that I was thinking this morning, and I was going through the different "categories" I have for a match - mental, physical, spiritual, and the ineffable ones (like the ones I listed aren't, right?) like how much she makes me laugh, what kind of personality she has, how romantic she is - and it seems that she scores very well in all of the categories I have. Of course, I have been wondering if I will be as attracted to her physically when I see her tonight, as it was a little hard to get a good read on her bod the last time we met. Although, as I said before, she definitely has some nice breasts workin', no real facial hair, no noticeable double chin, and definitely no cankles! LMAO! Oh gosh, that sounds horrible, doesn't it? Like I am shallow or something. I tend to just think of it as preferences though - what I like/don't care for in a romantic partner.

So, given the great hooters (wow, classy! Did I just write that??? Lol), the hairless face, the nice nails, and the AWESOME personality, I guess it doesn't really matter much just how she looks in the middle, ya' know? She did say that her mom and sister have struggled with their weights, and that she has taken precautions to make sure she doesn't fall into that category. So I know she is conscious about, and takes an active interest in maintaining her weight, so.....

Anyway, we met at Jamba Juice last weekend, and tonight is our first "real" date. It was actually set up for tomorrow night, but SHE texted yesterday, and asked me if I wanted to try to make it for Thursday (today) instead. Now how could I not like that? A woman who is actually as anxious as I am to see each other again! Awesome. And we have been having a blast kidding back and forth through texts and emails about everything from her getting out of the shower, and the naughty thoughts it gives me, to whether or not her friend Cheryl will approve of me, and what we are doing for our date. It has been, like I always thought - and hoped - it would be - romantic, flirty, and whole lot of fun! : )

I guess tonight will be somewhat of a "defining moment" in our very young relationship - it should probably serve to more clearly expose our feelings for each other and whether or not we want to pursue something more serious. I have a feeling about this woman, I really do. But I am trying to maintain my perspective and not get too excited or worked up. I want to just take it easy and see where it goes. Ok - that's not true : what I REALLY want to do is take her in my arms, say that I think I am falling in love with her, sweep her off her feet, and live happily ever after. BUT, seeing as how I have some unrealistic, codependent and idealistic tendencies, I am opting for the 'relax and see how it goes' approach instead! Lol! More tomorrow.....

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