Monday, October 4, 2010

Can't focus

Ugh. I am trying to focus at work, and was doing fine until Galen started calling. First, he wanted to know how long his phone would be turned off. So I had to (didn't have to - I need to remember that) go into the whole lecture about privileges vs rights again and told him that when he decides to start going to class -and passing - again, I will decide to start paying the bill again. Then he calls again and asks me for how long he is grounded from the computer. Then he calls again and asks me if he can go to the central library - that there is someone there he wants to say "hi" to. This is like 2 hourse before I am supposed to pick him up. I told him no, and he started arguing with me about it. Joy joy.

I swear, sometimes I don't know know how, or even if, I am going to make it through this. I keep thinking, like Lloyd Bridges in Airplane, I picked a bad time in life to quit getting high. I mean, I'm sure smoking a big ol' fatty would take the edge right off for me. But of course with me, one thing always leads to another. And in this case, I would be tweaking again in no time. And that is not really someplace I want to go again. I think that was even more miserable than this. And I can't IMAGINE trying to do this subhuman.

Dear God, please just help me to make it through this day without losing my job, my mind, my cool or my samity. Amen.

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