Monday, May 24, 2010

Uhhh... it's Monday (or Kev's Rules for Dating)

Yeahh.... that's all I could really think of for a title, cuz, well - it's Monday! I had a nice weekend this weekend. The weather was absolutely gorgeous, and I got some nice riding in. Got a new tire Saturday, went out to Cherry Blossom Noodle cafe with Tori Saturday night, went to see Macgruber with Galen and Derek yesterday, and emailed with some lady I met on who actually sent me her phone number and asked if I'd like to talk sometime - score! ha ha! I am reminding myself this time though, before it EVEN gets started, GO SLLLOOWWWWWW Kevin... easy boy.

She does seem sweet, and ironically enough, her name is Michele, with one 'L'. She has one - well, 2 things really going for her right off the bat : 1, she is a redhead, and for whatever reason, I have really developed this thing for redheads, and 2, she is like 45 years old - older lady, and I have ALWAYS preferred older women. So we'll see what happens. I am not going to go getting my hopes all up though. I think - God, please tell me! - that I have learned my lesson(s) about all this dating stuff. Here are some things I need to remember, "Kevin's New Guidelines/Rules/Reminders for Dating" if you will :

1. Don't fall in love and go obsessive with the first woman who makes contact, or I make contact with.
2. Don't seem too desperate, and send a million communications off the bat - give the woman some chances to make her move too. The chase is good for both.
3. Don't divulge too much on a first date - leave something for the next date, if there is one.
4. GO SLOW - there's no need to rush into a committed relationship after one date, EVEN IF SHE WANTS TO.
5. REMEMBER STEP 4, EVEN IF THE OPPORTUNITY TO HAVE SEX PRESENTS ITSELF. The sex might be great, but will be temporary, and could mess up future chances.
6. Don't make the mistake of thinking that the conditions that exist in the beginning of a relationship - the constant texting and emailing, the excitement, the enthusiasm - will continue with the same intensity as the relationship proceeds.
7. Don't say "I love you" too soon, even if the woman says it first (NOTE: I need to think of some smart method of responding to such a situation that neither misleads the woman, nor misleads her... hmmmmm...)

That's all I can think of for now, but this will be an ever-expanding list I am sure. In fact, I think I will see if I can make a "widget" out of it so it can be presented at all times on my blog. I need to see it, and see it often!

Today is a great day - and that's all I have to say about that : )

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