Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Made it Alive

Well, whoda thunk it. Here I am, 40 years old today, sober, healthy (healthier than I have ever been actually) and relatively happy. I honestly thought, actually hoped for some time, that I would never make it to this age. Yet, here I am, and I am actually grateful to be alive today. What a gift that is.

It's weird how the older we get, the less and less important our birthdays seem, and the fewer number of people who actually know about them. Of course, all my family back in SD remembered and sent me cards. Mom and I are still on the outs, so I didn't really expect anything from her. And to be honest, I really don't tell people it is my birthday, so I can't really expect anyone to know, can I? Lol! I figure I will take the kids out to Red Lobster tonight to celebrate, especially considering the fact that the Universe decided to bless me with the gift of getting my amended tax refund, $665, in the mail yesterday. Woo hoo! How cool is that for a b-day present? It is also interesting to note that today, for the first time ever, they are honoring people whose birthdays fall between Jan and May with cake in the breakroom. It's really weird, as it just happens to fall directly on my b-day : another neat little coincidence :)

Ok, so I have to share something here that happened last night, if only to mark the momentous occasion : last night, after the new meeting I have been attending on Monday nights at the Mennonite Church on 7th St. north of Dunlap, I spoke with one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen, much less actually talked to. And I don't say this exaggeratingly (is that even a word?). When I first saw her last week, my immediate reaction was "oh my goodness - she is Brooke Shields when she was in her prime..." Long, gorgeous brunette hair; exotic, deep eyes; a fantastic figure; just beautiful. She was the last person to share, and I was SO hoping she would get the chance to, as time was winding down as the lady before her shared, and I kept thinking 'wrap it up so I can hear her!' Haha!

When she spoke, she mentioned that she had spent some time in a Zen Buddhist monastery, and I knew I would just have to ask her about that. I was legitimately curious, and jumping at the "in" that had manifested. So I walked up to her after the meeting got out and asked her about it. I was expecting a little one or 2 word response, and then a quick walk-away as so often happens with beautiful women like her when I approach them and try to talk to them. But instead, we ended up standing there in the parking lot for almost half an hour talking about Buddhism, the Program, her sobriety, etc. I must admit, I was basking in the ecstasy of being so close to, and actually visiting with, such a beautiful woman. And she is pretty deep too - not just a pretty face.

She went on to mention that she has a boyfriend who is an attorney (shouldn't be a surprise, right?), that he is a normie, and that they go to a lot of events where there is drinking and socializing. She said that people in the Program often tell her that she needs to dump him, and I told her that it wouldn't surprise me if some of the men suggested that, thinking that they might be the perfect guy for her! Lol. She was extremely approachable, and I really enjoyed the convo. So, suffice it to say, that I found my dream woman. But, there are 2 major drawbacks/obstacles : 1, she has a boyfriend. 2, she only has 17 days sober.

The thing that really fscinated me was the manner in which she seemed to be so comfortable physically with me. I almost got the impression that she wanted me to hug or hold her...? I know it sounds crazy, but as I was walking to the door of my truck, she seemed to linger around, as if wanting me to pass closely to her, and not really wanting to leave. If I hadn't had the kids waiting at home, I would have asked her out to coffee. Something tells me that her boyfriend doesn't treat her all that great - or at least, she doesn't think he does, or doesn't think that he finds her truly beautiful. I don't know - I am probably reading WAY too much into it, that's just the impression I got.

So yeah, I was a little giddy last night after that, feeling as though I had been given the chance to speak to Cindy Ireland or Brooke Shields or something - and she didn't run away! Ha ha! I tell you whut - if I had a woman like that, I would go to therapy 3 times a day to avoid sabotaging the relationship, buy her flowers once a week, and give thanks and praises to God and all the Universe for delivering me an angel every day. She would NEVER wonder if I thought she was beautiful, as I would tell her every day. And we would live happily ever after! The End.

Hey, everyone has to have a dream, right? And since today is my birthday, I get to make a wish - and I think we all know what that is now... ;)