Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Catching up on the latest

I have been so busy at work with the ITCC project I have been working on that I haven't even had time to blog - I mean, the nerve, right?! It's like they expect me to actually work while I am here or something. So I thought I should catch up on life happenings, seeing as how this is like my "journal" now.

First and foremost, Galen is back at home now. He had it out with Sam's boyfriend Kenny, and she basically kicked him out. I told him he could come home, as I was planning on him coming home this summer anyway. He decided to man up and finish out school at Desert Sky, which I think is a good choice. It's way up on 7th ave and Greenway, and it would be a heck of a drive for me to have to make twice a week. He is doing much better at home and we have been getting along well - I am hoping and praying it continues.

In other news, Ty and I have been seeing A LOT of each other, and we actually "got together" this last Saturday night. I was really hoping we could make it til she got divorced, but the flirting and temptation was just too much, and we caved. I was surprised to find that I actually didn't feel that guilty about it. I think the fact that her hubby is so far away and that she rarely even sees him contributed a lot to that fact. Then this week, ironically enough, he got in touch with Ty and asked her if she was still in love with me. She couldn't lie and told him yes, so the truth is out now, and she is setting the wheels in motion to get divorced.

I feel bad for her hubby, I really do. I know how it feels to some extent, although I was still detoxing when it happened with me and Sam, and I really didn't like her that much anymore anyway. But still - I know the feeling of loss and betrayal. I hope that he gets through it ok, and that things work out for him, that he finds someone to share his lofe and love with.

I am convinced that Ty is that person for me. Physically speaking, she is a little heavier than I would prefer a woman to be. But she has every other thing I want in a woman - she is smart, funny, caring, compassionate, loves kids, communicates very well, takes the things I say/write at their best instead of worst, doesn't get all defensive if I make a suggestion - I mean, she really has everything I want in a life partner. She was smoking when we first met back up, which was a dealbreaker for me, but she has quit, which I think is awesome. And I have been very frank about wanting her to get back in shape - that I would probably be resentful if she didn't, as I have worked my ass off (literally!) to get in shape, and I really want a woman who is in shape too. Again, she took that very well, and said she too wants to get into shape, and that she totally understands me feeling that way.

I mean, who could believe that? I sure in the hell am having a hard time believing it! if I had said that to Tina, she would have - and did - fucking flipped out! And even Marci would probably have had a really hard time with it. Ty just took it in stride. And whether or not it is a sign of extreme codependence on me, or pure obsession, it serves to make me love her even more, because I am who I am, and I need a woman who can hear that stuff and not take me to be mean or condescending, and Ty is that woman. It's funny - she talks about the relationship as being a table, each leg symbolizing something - one is emotional compatibility, one spiritual, one mental, and one sexual. She says that she has had a lof of one and two legged tables, and that she wants a 4 legged table, which we have together. I told her that I am so happy with the 3 awesome legs we have, that I don't even care if the 4th leg (the sexual one) is all that great or not. I have learned from experience that great sex does NOT equal a great relationship.

It is sounding like someday soon, we will be together in every sense of the word. And, ultimately, we will be married. It is weird, but I was thinking the other day that I have never really asked a woman to marry me. When Sam and I did it, it was just a formality after being together for 7 years, and we did it with a Justice of the Peace - it was not romantic AT ALL. With Ty, I want it to be a romantic wedding. I want to ask her to marry me like in the movies, and get her an engagement ring. I want to be 'engaged,' and refer to her as my fiance'. It will be the first time ever for me, as unbelievable as that may sound. And how crazy to think that it will be with my first true after-high school love. Wow, how cool is that?

So yeah, life is going pretty darned good right now. I am as happy as I have been in a long time, and am looking forward to the future while enjoying each day, one day at a time :) Whoda thunk it...

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