Monday, November 9, 2009

News from the (other) homefront

Tessi came home yesterday after spending a week over at her mom and Kenny's, and I was finally able to get some information about what's going on over there. When we met at Fry's, I noticed Tessi was wearing some new shoes, and I asked her where she got them. She said that her mom had bought them for her, and I asked Tess how her mom could afford that when she doesn't work. She said "mom is going to college." I said "yes, I know, but you have to PAY to go to college, you don't get paid to go." She then mentioned that she thought Kenny worked, and I said something like I thought that was hard to believe. I then asked if people were coming in and out all the time, and she said they were. I mentioned that it sounded like Kenny and Sam were dealing drugs, and she said "Oh yeah, they are - we know they are." While I might have been totally shocked, I really wasn't (what does that say about them and this whole situation?) I asked how they knew, and she said that she and Galen had heard people, including Kenny himself, talking about it.

So now I am faced with a new dilmna : can I really let Tessi go back over to stay there, knowing that they are dealing drugs? And do I have any obligation to call and report them to the police? I really don't know, and I am definitely going to talk to some people before I make any decisions. I found it disturbing the way Tessi talked about it, as if it was no big deal. At one point, she even seemed to defend it, saying "well they need to get money because they don't have jobs." Well, yeah! Most people would choose to go out and find a real job at this point - not deal drugs! I am not sure what to do, but I do know that I need to have a talk with Tessi to make sure she knows that it is absolutely not right and unacceptable, as well as dangerous and illegal, for anyone to deal drugs.

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